In the food processor, with a metal blade, this time I put:
2 cups Bellaria Farina tipo “00”(2.1g protein per ¼ cup)
1 cup Arrowhead Mills organic pastry flour (4g protein per ¼ cup)
½ cup Arrowhead Mills organic Kamut flour (5g protein per ¼ cup)
2 tsp Diamond Coarse Kosher salt
1 ½ tsp saf-instant dry yeast
1 ¾ cup NYC tap water
I gave these a quick whiz in the food processor, and then placed the dough in a large metal bowl to rise. I laid the protective plastic-wrap across the top of the bowl, letting it rest inside the bowl close to the dough.
8 hours later I turned it out of the bowl, punched it down, divided it into 4 balls and rolled these out. Because they had already proofed for so long, I immediately skipped ahead to loaf formation. I rolled the balls out and rolled them into long tubes, which I rested for 1.5 hours.
I slashed the top of each loaf and put them in an oven that had preheated to 425 for ½ an hour and cooked them for 35 minutes.
This time I:
- Hoped to create looser dough by upping the water a little, it was still rather stiff.
- Sprayed the walls of the oven before I put the loaves in and again 5 minutes into cooking.
- Rolled the dough into loaves rather then dividing into thirds and folding.
- Skipped the ½ hour of proofing as balls and went straight to proofing in the shape of loaves, which I proofed for 1 ½ hours.
Notes on bread 7:
- There is more air in the crumb.
- The gauge of the crust is getting too thick and hard to break through.
- Rolling the dough, rather then folding, made more pockets for air but they were smaller.
I think water = air pockets inside the bread, and that spraying the oven resulted in the too-thick crusts. Going to have to play with this.