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« Damn it!!!!! | Main | Menu Buddakan NY: Friends and Family Meal »

March 04, 2006



This place is also right by my house, and I pass by that corner almost daily. Although I haven't yet eaten there, I've peeked inside, and am I wrong in saying the decor is really boring? It looked kind of like a tarted-up diner.


Thanks for letting us know that this place is mediocre. I live across the street and, though the soft light attracts me, I'll save my money to eat somewhere else. I also resent their middle-of-the-night construction keeping me awake for the last few months.


I live a block away from Jack's Bistro, like everyone else in the area, I so wanted Jack's to be good and it just wasn't. The service was slow, the food was not bad, just not good.

Ray Landers

I actually found the food to be excellent, and the atmosphere really nice.

Saturday nights at 9:30 they now have a jazz trio which does a find job of providing music without being over-bearing, but not corny background either.



I can't be bothered with anything these days, but shrug. I just don't have anything to say recently.


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