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restaurant reports

« Taste of the Nation New York '06 | Main | Brooklyn Brewery Pigfest '06 »

May 15, 2006


Steve Plotnicki

Stop beating around the bush. Do yo think it's the best restaurant in the world and if not, where does it rank?


That I've been to? Yes.


Thoughtfully written and well-photographed. Thank you.


Augie: Thanks for the advice on WD-50. I sincerely hope that my dinner at Wylie's will be a prelude to someday eating at El Bulli. That being said - I am primed to make an attempt at securing a 2007 reservation. Can you advise on the best route or method of achieving this? Website says email in mid-Oct which I will do. If you have any pointers I'm all ears. Gracias.

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