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restaurant reports

« Thoughts week ending 9/1/06 | Main | Roll and Dough, 260 methillian stars »

September 05, 2006



Interesting how Bruni and you responded similarly to this place...


Indeed, Ken, indeed. More often than not my views of a place jibe with Frank's in general. In some cases our priorities diverge (you may notice in this review I saw no need to mention the French poodle bonsai), and when those cases are drastic I use Augieland to rant about the guy with the greatest job in the world focusing on superfluous aspects.

I ignored the instinct to call it out last week, but since we are on the topic did you notice last week that a little over 20% of the words written in his Felidia review were actually about Del Posto?


Yes, that is classic Frank, how does he get away with it? The Vong review was more than 50% a scalding indictment of Mercer Kitchen. But his fuzzy and often uninformed views about the food combined with his general impressions of the "experience" are probably in line with why many people go to resturants, especially new ones. Yes, I want his job.

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