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« Harry's Steak: 471 brokerillian stars originallyposted 5/24/06 | Main | Antica Corona Reale da Renzo, 273 embryoillian stars »

October 25, 2006



If you really loved Masa, then you have to try Kurumazushi. I think the fish is as good, but the atmosphere is more relaxed and not as serious.


Re your comment that "pubs with good grub are easy to come by", name a pub with food even close to the quality of The Spotted Pig's. Just one please.


Chris: a big part of the Masa experience for me was the focus the sedate room encouraged, but I am still eager to try new places so I will take your advice.

Lewis: downstairs at Savoy, front of Gramercy Tavern, and Baltahzar’s bar are the first three that that come to mind. As unique as a bar with good food may have been in England (to birth the Gastro Pub) we are New York there are, and have always been, many places you go primarily to drink that have great food.


Poss. the smartest thing I've read yet on the whole Michelin epiphenomenon. I also think that somewhat arbitrary addition and subtraction of stars will be the rule for the US guide, because that is the only way to sustain interest in the guide.

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