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« Boqueria, 741 accuratillian stars: originally posted 10/17/06 | Main | Woody's chestnut raised pork »

November 01, 2006


Andrew Gottlieb

Thanks for the review. Have personally been doing the chuck, sirloin, brisket, short rib mix for a few summers now and it does produce a great burger - I wonder what his ratio is. Now I am really looking forward to trying BLT out. You are right about the salting, Judy Rodgers of Zuni Cafe in SF advocates salting cubed meat a day in advance before grinding it for her well regarded burger. Hell she advocates salting any and all meats in advance, personally have a been working my way through a Violet Hill pork shoulder, salting the different cut aparts, and it has helped them all regardless of the cooking method.


I had the BLT Burger last night and my companion had the Lamb burger. Overall opinion, good, not great. I think the Lure burger is still tops but it may be that the BLT burger with two patties was too much beef for me. I will definitely still go back and try the Classic with American!

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